ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mars orbit rendezvous

Have you ever played tag with your friends and had to meet up with them at a certain spot? Well, going to Mars is kind of like playing tag, but it's much harder because Mars is soooooo far away. The people who design space missions have to figure out the best way to meet up with Mars when it's moving in space and not just sitting still like your friends in a game of tag.

One way to tag Mars is by doing what's called a Mars Orbit Rendezvous. This means that the spacecraft takes a really big loop around Mars while it (Mars) is moving in space. The spacecraft then tries to catch up to Mars by doing a fancy move called a rocket burn. A rocket burn is when the spacecraft fires its engines to push it closer to Mars or slow it down so it doesn't pass Mars too quickly.

Once they get close, the spacecraft can use smaller rockets to slow down even more and eventually start orbiting around Mars. This is like tagging your friends "base" during a game of tag. Now, the spacecraft is safely in orbit around Mars and can start exploring and doing cool things like taking pictures, analyzing rocks, or looking for signs of life.

It's kind of like a game of tag but in space, and it takes a lot of really smart people to figure out how to do it right. But, when they do, we learn a lot about the exciting world of Mars!