ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Marshal of the Empire

Okay kiddo, so a long, long time ago, there was a really important guy in a big country called France. This guy was so important that he was given a special title called "Marshal of the Empire".

Now, a marshal is kind of like a super important soldier who leads other soldiers in battle. And an empire is a really big country that has lots of other countries under its control.

So the Marshal of the Empire was in charge of leading France's soldiers in battles and wars, and making sure they stayed safe and won. He was also very, very close to the king, who was like the boss of France.

Being a Marshal of the Empire was a really big deal and it meant that you were one of the most powerful people in the whole country - even more powerful than some of the other important people like the lords or the bishops.

So, even though it might be a little bit confusing, just remember that the Marshal of the Empire was a really important guy in France who led soldiers and was very, very powerful!