ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Masaki Kashiwara

Masaki Kashiwara is a very smart grown-up who does something called math. He likes to do really hard math problems that most people can't solve.

He is a professor in a place called Kyoto University which is in a country far away called Japan. This is a place where lots of other grown-ups go to learn and do sciencey stuff like him.

Mr. Kashiwara is really good at something called algebra. This is where you do math with letters instead of numbers. But not just any algebra, he's really good at something called "sheaf theory" which is like a special kind of algebra.

Mr. Kashiwara figured out some really cool things about this sheaf theory that other really smart grown-ups were struggling with. He even won a really big prize called the Fields Medal because of his work.

Overall, Mr. Kashiwara is a super smart grown-up who does really hard math problems and is really good at a special kind of algebra called sheaf theory.