ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

MassBank (database)

Okay kiddo, so do you know what a database is?

No? Okay, let me explain.

A database is like a big organized storage room for information. It’s where people keep a lot of information together in one place, like a library for data.

Now, MassBank is a specific database. It’s a database all about chemicals! It holds information about the different kinds of chemicals that people use in science and medicine.

The cool thing about MassBank is that it doesn’t just tell you what chemicals are, but it tells you how they look and how they work when put together. This information is very important for scientists and researchers who are working on new treatments for illnesses or new ways to make products.

So let’s say a scientist is working on a new drug to help cure a disease. They need to know all the details about the chemicals they’re using, like what they do and how they react with each other. They can use MassBank to find all that information in one place, instead of having to search a bunch of different sources.

And that’s MassBank in a nutshell, kiddo! A big organized storage room for chemical information that scientists and researchers use to make new discoveries and help people feel better.