ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Massachusetts health care reform

Okay kiddo, let me explain it to you!

Do you remember going to the doctor when you were sick? And do you know how sometimes it can be really expensive?

Well, in Massachusetts, the government wanted to help make sure everyone could go to the doctor and get the care they need without it being too expensive.

So they made a law that said everyone who lived in Massachusetts had to have health insurance. That means they had to pay money every month to get health insurance, just like how your parents pay for the electricity or the water in the house.

And if there were people who couldn't afford to pay for health insurance, the government helped them by giving them some money to pay for it.

That way, everyone could get the care they needed when they were sick and not worry about it being too expensive.

It was kind of like when you go to a friend's birthday party and everyone brings a little something to contribute to the party. That's what Massachusetts did - everyone had to pitch in a little bit to make sure everyone could get the much-needed healthcare they deserved.