ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Matrix ring

A matrix ring is like a giant puzzle made up of smaller puzzles. But instead of having different shapes like squares and triangles, the pieces are all the same shape and size. Think of these puzzle pieces as tiny boxes that can hold numbers inside of them.

Now, imagine you have big bags filled with these puzzle pieces, sorted by the number of rows and columns in each puzzle. This is like a matrix ring. It holds all these little puzzles of different sizes and shape.

But why is it called a "ring"? Well, just like a ring has a certain shape that goes all the way around, a matrix ring is a set of all the possible matrices that can be made using these puzzle pieces. The ring shape comes into play when we start doing math operations on these matrices, like adding or multiplying them together.

Overall, a matrix ring is a special kind of math tool we use to solve big problems involving lots of numbers. It's like a puzzle box full of puzzle boxes, all with different numbers inside, waiting to be put together in the right way!