ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Maupuk is a word that comes from the language spoken by the inhabitants of the island of Timor. Maupuk is a kind of woven mat made out of palm fronds or other plant fibers.

Imagine taking a lot of leaves, like the big ones that come from trees, and flattening them out into thin strips. Then imagine taking those strips and weaving them together really tightly so that they make a big, flat sheet. That’s kind of what a maupuk looks like!

Maupuks are very useful in the daily life of the people who make them. They are used as flooring, to lay on while sleeping, and as a mat to carry things on. They can also be used to create the walls and roofs of houses.

Making a maupuk takes a lot of time and skill. First, the leaves have to be collected and carefully stripped into thin strips. Then the strips are carefully woven together, one by one, to make the mat. It's a lot like making a giant, flat basket out of tree leaves!

Although maupuks are traditionally made using palm fronds and other plant materials, nowadays some modern versions of maupuks are made with synthetic fibers like nylon or plastic. However, the traditional palm fiber maupuks are still highly valued for their durability and cultural significance.