ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

May 15 Incident

Okay kiddo, so let me tell you about the May 15 incident.

You see, there are two big countries in the world, China and America. And sometimes these two countries don't quite agree on things.

On May 15th, 1976, there was a big protest in a city called Beijing, which is in China. Lots of people were upset and wanted to show the government that they didn't like some of the decisions they were making.

But the government didn't like this very much, and they sent in some soldiers to try and stop the protests. Unfortunately, things got really out of control and there was a lot of fighting and even some people got hurt.

That day is called the May 15 incident because it was a really big deal and it happened on May 15th. But it's also important because it showed that sometimes when people want to speak up about something, things can get really dangerous and people can get hurt.

So it's always important to try and find peaceful ways to talk about problems instead of resorting to violence.