ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

May Day Riots of 1919

Okay, so a long time ago, in 1919, some workers in the United States were really unhappy because they didn't feel like they were being treated fairly. They wanted better pay for the work they did and they also wanted to work fewer hours each day. They decided to go on strike, which means they all stopped working together at the same time.

But then some people got really angry about the strike and started causing trouble. They did things like breaking windows and setting things on fire. This is what we call a riot. The rioters were really violent and hurt a lot of people, including some police officers.

The rioters chose to do all of this on May 1st, which is a day that some people celebrate as International Workers' Day. This day is important to workers all over the world because it's a time to remember how hard they work and to stand up for their rights.

So that's basically what happened during the May Day riots of 1919. Some workers went on strike and some other people got angry and started a really big fight. It was a really scary time for a lot of people, but it also showed how important it is for workers to stand up for themselves and fight for their rights.