ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mechanics of human sexuality

Human sexuality is how we feel and act towards other people in a romantic and physical way. It is a part of being human, just like how we eat and sleep.

Human sexuality is made up of many different things, including feelings, emotions, and physical sensations. When we feel attracted to someone, it can cause butterflies in our stomachs and make us feel excited.

Our bodies play a big part in human sexuality. Boys and girls have different plumbing down there. Boys have a penis and girls have a vagina. When a boy and girl get older, they may start to feel curious about these differences and want to explore them.

When a boy and girl like each other, they may want to touch each other in a special way called sex. Sex helps people feel closer to each other and also helps them have babies. When a boy and girl have sex, the boy's penis goes into the girl's vagina. If a boy and boy or a girl and girl like each other, they can still have special ways to feel close that doesn't involve the penis or vagina.

It's important to remember that sex and human sexuality are things that are special and private. We only do them with people we really trust and feel comfortable with. We also need to be safe and use protection like condoms to make sure we don't get sick or have a baby before we're ready.