ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Medical education

Okay kiddo, so medical education is all about learning how to become a doctor or another kind of medical professional. It's like going to school to learn how to help people who are sick or hurt feel better.

First, you have to go to college and get a bachelor's degree. This means you have to learn a lot of things about science, like how the human body works and how diseases and injuries happen.

Once you finish college, you have to go to medical school. This is another kind of school where you learn even more about how to help people who are sick or hurt. You learn things like anatomy (which means learning about all the different parts of the body), physiology (which means learning how each part of the body works), and pharmacology (which means learning about all the different medicines and how they help people feel better).

After you finish medical school, you have to do something called a residency. This means that you have to work in a hospital or clinic and learn how to take care of patients under the supervision of more experienced doctors. This can take a few years or more, depending on what kind of doctor you want to be.

Even after you finish your residency, you never really stop learning. Doctors have to keep taking classes and attending trainings to learn about new medicines and treatments, and to make sure they are doing their very best to help their patients.

So that's medical education in a nutshell, kiddo. It takes a lot of hard work and studying to become a doctor, but it's all worth it when you get to help people feel better!