ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Validation of foreign studies and degrees

When you go to school in one country and then want to use that education in another country, you might need to prove that your education is real and valuable. This process is called "validation of foreign studies and degrees."

Just like how you have to show your teacher your homework so they can check if you did it right, people who validate foreign studies and degrees need to check that the education you got in one country is similar enough to the education people get in the other country. This is because, even though the same subject might be taught in different places, the way it is taught, the books used, and the topics covered may vary.

So, experts in the country you want to use your education in (let's call it the "host country") will look at your education documents, like your diploma or transcripts, and check if they meet certain standards set by the host country. If they do, then your education will be accepted and you can use it to apply for jobs or continue your education in the host country.

This kind of validation is important because it helps make sure that people who move to a new country don't get taken advantage of by people who might lie about their education. It also helps make sure that people who have real, valuable education can use it to benefit themselves and the host country.