ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Megaderma is a kind of bat, just like how you might see bats flying around at night time but with big ears! They can be found in places like Southeast Asia, Australia, and some parts of Africa.

What is special about megaderma is their super hearing abilities! They have really big ears that are shaped like a funnel, which helps them catch sounds really well. They also have a special muscle in their ear that allows them to change the shape of their ear canal to help with hearing!

Megaderma bats mainly eat insects like moths and beetles. They use their strong teeth to crunch through the hard outer shell of the insect and then eat the yummy insides.

They are important to their ecosystem because they help control insect populations. Without bats like Megaderma, there would be many more insects flying around bothering people and eating plants.

Overall, Megaderma bats are cool animals with super hearing, and help keep our world in balance by eating lots of insects.