ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Meister Eckhart

Meister Eckhart was a very smart guy who lived a long time ago in Germany. He was a philosopher and a monk who believed in God and wanted to help people understand God better.

He talked a lot about how we can connect with God inside of us, and how we should focus on being good people and treating others with kindness and love. He called this something special called "the spark of the soul."

Meister Eckhart also believed that everything in the world is connected, and that we can learn about God by looking at all the things around us. He thought that God was more than just a person watching from heaven, but was actually part of everything we see and feel.

Despite being very popular in his time, some people didn't like what Meister Eckhart was saying and thought it went against what they believed. But today, many people still study his teachings and find them helpful for understanding spirituality and the world around us.