ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Melitta 402

Melitta 402 is a coffee maker that helps you make yummy coffee! Think of it like a toy that you love to play with that helps you make your favorite drink in the morning.

First, you need to fill the Melitta 402 with water by pouring it into the machine. Then, you put a special paper filter into the basket on top of the machine. This basket is where the coffee will go when it's ready.

Next, you put some coffee grounds into the paper filter. The coffee grounds are like yummy dirt that the water will mix with to make coffee. Once the coffee grounds are in the basket, you turn on the Melitta 402 and wait for it to make your coffee.

As soon as you turn it on, hot water goes through the paper filter and mixes with the coffee grounds. This makes the coffee that you love to drink! The coffee drips down into a special pot or mug that you have on the bottom of the machine.

And there you have it, yummy coffee made with your Melitta 402! Just remember to be careful since it's hot and always ask an adult for help.