ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Single-serve coffee container

A single-serve coffee container is a small package that you can put in a machine to make one cup of coffee. It's like a tea bag, but instead of tea, it has coffee inside.

Now, imagine you have a toy car and you want to play with it. You can't play with all the toy cars at the same time, right? So you only take one car out to play with.

The same thing happens when you want to make coffee. Instead of making a whole big pot of coffee that might go to waste if you only want one cup, you use the single-serve coffee container to make just enough coffee for one cup.

You put the container in a machine that adds hot water to the coffee, and then it makes your cup of coffee for you. It's like magic!

And when you're done, you just throw away the used coffee container, just like you throw away a used tea bag. Easy peasy!
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