ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Memento Mori (short story)

Okay kiddo, so Memento Mori means "remember you will die." It's a reminder that we all will eventually pass on from this world, and we should be mindful of that fact.

Now, in this short story, there was a man who was very rich and successful. He had everything he ever wanted, but he also had a fear of death. He was so scared of dying that he would do anything to avoid it.

One day, he decided to visit a wise old sage who was known for giving good advice. The sage told him to create a special room in his house and fill it with reminders of death. He said that by doing this, the man would become less afraid of death and learn to appreciate life more.

So the man did as he was told, and he filled the room with skulls, candles, and other things that reminded him of death. At first, he was scared to enter the room, but over time he began to get used to it. He realized that he couldn't avoid death forever, and that he should focus on living his life to the fullest while he still could.

So, by remembering that we will all die someday, we can learn to appreciate life more and make the most of our time here on earth.