ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Memoirs of Mr. Hempher, The British Spy to the Middle East

Okay kiddo, so imagine a long time ago there was a man named Mr. Hempher and he worked for a country called Britain. Britain wanted to control a place called the Middle East, like a giant game of king of the hill.

Mr. Hempher's job was to make friends with the people in the Middle East and convince them to let Britain be in charge. But he didn't just walk up and say "Hey, can we be in charge?" That wouldn't work.

So instead, Mr. Hempher pretended to be a religious scholar and made friends with a man who was very important in the Middle East. Then, he convinced that man to start a new religion that would make it easier for Britain to take control.

The religion Mr. Hempher helped create was called Wahabism. It had some pretty extreme beliefs, like not allowing people to listen to music or celebrating birthdays. But the people in the Middle East were convinced that this was the right way to worship God.

So, Mr. Hempher helped spread this new religion throughout the Middle East and people started following it, even though it was really just a way for Britain to control them.

But eventually, the people in the Middle East started to catch on and didn't want to be controlled by Britain anymore. And now, many years later, we can learn about Mr. Hempher and what he did in a book called "Memoirs of Mr. Hempher, the British Spy to the Middle East."