ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Memorial Acclamation

Okay kiddo, so when we go to church and the priest is saying some special words during the Mass, he stops and says "The mystery of faith" and then we all say something back to him. That part is called the Memorial Acclamation.

We say the Memorial Acclamation to remember and give thanks to Jesus for dying on the cross and coming back to life. It's like saying 'thank you' for all the wonderful things Jesus did for us.

There are different things we can say during the Memorial Acclamation, but they all mean the same thing. Some of them say, "Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again." That means we remember that Jesus died on the cross, but he also came back to life, and one day he will come back to be with us forever.

So, when we say the Memorial Acclamation during Mass, it's like saying 'thank you' to Jesus and reminding ourselves of all the great things he did for us.