ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Memory access pattern

Memory access pattern refers to the way in which a computer retrieves data from memory or saves data to memory. Imagine you have a toy box with lots of toys inside. When you want to play with a toy, you have to reach into the toy box and find it. This is like how a computer has to reach into memory and find the data it needs.

Now, let's say you always look for your favorite doll first, but then you look for your other toys in any order. This is like a memory access pattern, where the computer may have a specific way of looking for certain types of data before looking for other data.

However, some memory access patterns can be more efficient than others. For example, if you always look through your toys in a random order, it may take longer to find what you need. But if you organized your toys by type, it might be quicker to find what you want. Similarly, if a computer uses a memory access pattern that is well-organized or optimized, it can retrieve data more quickly and efficiently.

So, memory access pattern is like how you look for toys in a toy box, and certain ways of looking for toys can be more efficient than others.