ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Memory ballooning

Have you ever tried to fill up a balloon with air until it gets really big? Memory ballooning is kind of like that, but with a computer's memory instead of air and a program called a "balloon driver" instead of your lungs.

Here's how it works: when your computer is running lots of programs, it needs to store information (like pictures or documents) in its memory so it can access them quickly. But sometimes the computer runs out of memory because too many programs are using it all up. That's where the balloon driver comes in - it takes some of the memory that's being used by other programs and tries to make more room for the really important ones.

It does this by creating a pretend "balloon" inside the computer's memory. Imagine putting a balloon in a container and pushing on it - it would take up some space and make the rest of the container smaller. The balloon driver does the same thing, but with memory. It tells the other programs to give some of their memory to the balloon so they can keep working, but the computer can use that memory if it needs to.

So if you have a big program running and the computer is running out of memory, the balloon driver will try to take some of the memory from other programs and store it in its balloon. That way, the big program can keep running and the computer won't crash or freeze up.

Overall, memory ballooning is a clever way for computers to manage their memory when lots of programs are running at the same time. Kind of like taking a little from here and there to make more space for what really matters.
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