ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Men's rights

OK, so some people think that boys and girls should be treated the same and have the same rights. But sometimes, some boys or men may feel like they are not being treated fairly or are not getting the same rights as girls or women.

For example, some people believe that men should have the same rights as women when it comes to things like getting a job, earning the same pay for the same work, or having access to certain types of healthcare.

But, some men believe they are being treated unfairly in certain areas, like when it comes to things like custody battles in a divorce or being accused of things like sexual harassment or assault. They might believe that the legal system or society is biased against them and not taking their side.

So, some people who believe in men's rights try to raise awareness about these issues and advocate for things that would help make things more fair for men. These might include things like changes to laws or policies, or just more understanding and support from society in general.