ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Mennonites are a group of people who practice a certain way of life and beliefs that come from their religion. They think it is important to live simply and humbly, helping others, respecting nature, and avoiding violence or war.

Imagine you and your family love to play a game called "helping others." You all try to do nice things like share your toys, help with chores, and be kind to everyone. You also like to wear simple clothes and not have many fancy toys or things because you think it's not important to have lots of stuff to be happy.

Now imagine you and your family meet other families who also love to play this game and share the same beliefs. You decide to form a club and teach other people how to play too! This is kind of like what the Mennonites did back in the day, they formed a group with other people who held the same values and beliefs as them.

The Mennonites started about 500 years ago in Europe when some people disagreed with the church of that time. They wanted to worship and live in a different way that was more like what Jesus taught. They decided to not be part of the big church and create their own smaller communities where they could live their way of life. Later, some of these Mennonites moved to different countries like the USA and Canada and still practice their way of life today.

As part of their beliefs, Mennonites are against war and fighting. They believe that peace and non-violence are essential to life. They also help the less fortunate and work toward making the world a better place. They usually live in tight-knit communities and have their own schools and churches where they can practice their way of life together.

So Mennonites are just people who have a special way of living based on their religion. They believe in helping others, living simply, being kind, and avoiding violence. Imagine it like a big group of friends who want to make the world a happier, safer, and simpler place to live.