ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mental capacity in England and Wales

Okay kiddo, mental capacity means that people are able to make their own decisions and choices. In England and Wales, there is a law that says that people have the right to make their own decisions, even if others don’t agree with them.

However, sometimes people can’t make decisions or communicate them properly because of an illness or condition. When this happens, the law says that others may need to make decisions for them.

These are called ‘mental capacity assessments’. They help to work out whether someone is able to make a decision about something important, like where to live or how to manage their money.

To do a mental capacity assessment, someone-called an ‘assessor’-will talk to the person who is having a hard time making decisions. They will explain things as simply as possible, and ask questions to see if the person can understand and communicate their choices.

The assessor will write a report which explains whether the person can make a decision, and if not, how it should be made for them.

It’s important to remember that these assessments don’t always mean that a person can never make their own decisions. It just means they need some more help for now.