ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that can happen to people when they breathe in tiny bits of a special material called asbestos. Asbestos is very small and can't be seen with our eyes, but it's very dangerous! It can stick inside a person's lungs and make them very sick.

When someone has mesothelioma, it means that tiny bits of asbestos have stuck inside their body and made a big mess. It's like a puzzle that gets all mixed up and can't be put back together again. This can make the person feel really bad and sometimes it can even make them die.

Doctors try to help people with mesothelioma by giving them special medicine and treatments to make them feel better. But the best way to prevent mesothelioma is to always be careful and stay away from places where there might be asbestos. So it's very important to be safe and always listen to grown-ups when they tell us to be careful!