ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Message to the Free Nations of the World

Okay kiddo, so imagine there are a lot of different countries in the world, like a big family, and they all have their own rules and ways of doing things. Now some of these countries might not be very nice to their own people, or to other countries, and that's not okay.

The "message to the free nations of the world" is kind of like a reminder to all the good, fair countries that they need to work together to make sure everyone is treated well and has the same rights. It's like when your parents tell you to be kind to your siblings and to stand up for them if someone is being mean.

But instead of just your family, it's the whole world. The message is saying that countries that care about freedom, fairness, and human rights need to help each other out and make sure that other countries aren't getting away with doing bad things. It's kind of like being part of a big team where everyone has to play fair and follow the rules, even if they're from different countries.