ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Messengers from John the Baptist

Okay kiddo, so a long long time ago, there was a man named John the Baptist. He was a very important guy who lived in the desert and told people that they should be nice to each other and believe in God.

Now, one day, John got in trouble and was sent to jail. He was feeling sad and wanted to know if a man named Jesus was really the Son of God. So, he asked two of his friends to go and find Jesus and ask him if he was really the one that the Bible talked about.

The two friends went to find Jesus and asked him John's question. Jesus said that yes, he was the one and he also told them to go back and tell John about all the amazing things that he was doing like healing sick people and making blind people see.

So, the two friends went back to John and told him all about Jesus and how he really was the Son of God. John was very happy to hear this and he knew that Jesus was the one that they had been waiting for.

And that's how messengers from John the Baptist went and talked to Jesus and found out that he really was the Son of God.