ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Metabolism (architecture)

Metabolism is like a big building with lots of rooms inside. Each room has a different job, just like how your body has different organs that do different things. The building needs energy to work, just like you need food to have energy.

The first room is called the mouth, where you take in food and it gets broken down into smaller pieces. Then the food goes into the stomach, where it gets mixed up and turned into a kind of soup.

The next room is the intestine, where tiny tubes soak up all the good stuff in the soup and send it to different parts of the building to be used for energy. The leftovers go to another room called the liver, which helps get rid of any bad stuff and turn the rest into more energy.

All of these rooms work together like an assembly line to keep the building going. If anything goes wrong in one of the rooms, it can affect the whole building and cause it to not work properly.

So, just like a building needs a good design and maintenance to keep it running smoothly, our body's metabolism needs a healthy diet and exercise to function properly and keep us healthy.