ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Metadata discovery

Metadata is like a library card for books, it helps you find the right book. Metadata discovery is like finding the right card for the book you want.

For example, let's say you want to learn about animals. Metadata discovery would help you quickly find all the books in the library about animals by searching through the library's catalog.

In technology, metadata is the information that describes other information. This can include things like the author of a document, the date it was created, or the subject of an email. Metadata discovery is the process of finding and organizing all that information so that it is easy to find and use.

Think of your mommy's spice rack in the kitchen. All the spices have labels that tell you what they are, when they were bought, and when they expire. Metadata is like the labels on the spices. And metadata discovery is like organizing those spices in the spice rack, so when you need a particular spice, you can quickly find it.

In modern systems, metadata discovery helps software applications understand what data is available, where it is stored, and how it can be accessed. Just like how metadata helps us find books in the library or spices in the kitchen, metadata discovery helps technology systems locate and use information efficiently.