ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Metadata removal tool

Okay kiddo, so have you ever taken a picture using your phone or computer? When you take a picture, your device saves not only the picture itself, but also extra information about the picture, like when it was taken, where it was taken, and what kind of camera you used.

Now, this extra information is called metadata. It's like a hidden message that goes along with the picture. Sometimes, we don't want to share this hidden message with other people because it might contain personal information that we don't want them to see.

That's where a metadata removal tool comes in! It's like a magic eraser that can remove the hidden message from your picture. When you use the tool, it takes away all the metadata that's attached to your picture, leaving only the picture itself.

So, if you want to share a picture with your friends or post it online but you don't want anyone to know when or where it was taken, you can use a metadata removal tool to erase that information. And now you know how it works!