ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A micro-enterprise is like a little store or business that is run by just one or a very small group of people. You might see a lemonade stand, a small craft shop, or even someone who does yard work for their neighbors as an example of a micro-enterprise. It is a business that is usually started with just a few dollars and not a lot of resources. They are usually very simple and sell things that people need in their daily lives.

Think about when you played pretend store with your friends. You set up a little stand selling things like juice or candy. That was a lot like a micro-enterprise. You were selling things to people who needed them and making a little bit of money too.

For adults who might not have a lot of money or resources, starting a micro-enterprise is a way to make some money for themselves and their families. It is like having your own little store where you can sell what you make or fix or grow. People who have a micro-enterprise are called entrepreneurs.

Micro-enterprises can be found in many places, including in developing countries where people might not have access to larger resources to start a business. They are a way for people to be self-sufficient and support themselves and their families.