ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Microbiofuels are tiny little fuels that come from microscopic living things called microorganisms. These microorganisms are very small and you cannot see them with your eyes because they are so small. They live in many different places like water, soil, and even inside our bodies!

Now, microbiofuels are made from these microorganisms through a process called fermentation. Fermentation is when these tiny living things break down different materials like sugar or starch to create energy. This process is similar to how our bodies break down food for energy.

The cool thing about microbiofuels is that they can be used to power things like cars, trucks and airplanes instead of using fossil fuels like gas or diesel. This helps our environment because fossil fuels can cause pollution and harm to animals and plants. Microbiofuels are a cleaner and more sustainable alternative.

So, to sum it up, microbiofuels are tiny fuels that come from microscopic living things called microorganisms. They are made through a process called fermentation and can be used to power things like vehicles, while being better for the environment than traditional fuels.