ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Microbiome are tiny living creatures that are found everywhere in and on our bodies, just like the germs that make us sick but not all of them are bad. They are like tiny friends that help us stay healthy and happy.

Imagine your body is like a big city, and the microbiome are the citizens that live in that city. There are different types of citizens, each with a different job to do. Some citizens help make sure the city is clean, some help make sure there is enough food and water, and others help fight off any bad guys who might try to harm the city.

Our microbiome is made up of bacteria, viruses, and other tiny living things that live inside our gut, on our skin, and in other parts of our body. These tiny creatures are really important because they help break down the food we eat, boost our immune system, and even help regulate our mood and energy levels.

Just like in a city, if one type of citizen is missing or not doing its job, it can cause problems for the whole city. When we don't have enough of the good bacteria in our microbiome, it can lead to health problems like digestive problems and even mental health problems like anxiety and depression.

So, it's important to take care of our microbiome by eating a healthy diet that includes lots of fruits and vegetables, getting enough sleep, and avoiding things like antibiotics and processed foods that can harm our tiny friends. By looking after our microbiome, we can help keep ourselves healthy and happy!