ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Middle Paleolithic

Middle Paleolithic is a big word that means a time long ago when people were living on the earth. Imagine a time before we had cars, phones, or even houses to live in. This was a time long before that!

During the Middle Paleolithic, people were living in different parts of the world and doing things their own way. They didn't write things down like we do now, so we have to figure out what they were doing by what they left behind.

One thing we know is that they were really good at making tools out of rocks. They could use these tools to hunt animals, cut things, and even make fire. They were also really good at living in different environments, like cold places with lots of snow or hot places with lots of sand.

Some of the things they left behind are called cave paintings. Imagine going into a dark cave with no lights, and then seeing paintings on the walls made by people who lived thousands of years ago! These paintings show animals like mammoths, deer, and horses. It's like looking at a really old picture book.

In summary, Middle Paleolithic is a time a long time ago when people were living on the earth and making tools out of rocks. They lived in different environments and left behind cave paintings that can still be seen today.