ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Military history

Military history is like telling stories about how armies and soldiers fought in battles a long time ago. Just like how Mom or Dad might tell you about their adventures when they were younger, military history tells stories about soldiers and their adventures in battles long ago. These stories are important because they help us understand how different wars and battles happened, and how they shaped the world we live in today.

Imagine playing with toy soldiers, but these toy soldiers are real people who fought in wars. Sometimes these battles happened a long time ago, like when knights rode horses and fought with swords. Other times, they might be more recent, like in World War I or World War II when people used guns and tanks to fight.

Military historians study these battles and wars to learn more about them. They use old documents like letters and diaries, as well as pictures and videos, to figure out what happened and why. They also use maps to see where battles took place and how armies moved around.

Military history isn't just about battles, though. Historians also study how armies were organized and how they got the supplies they needed to fight. For example, they might look at how armies were fed and how they got their weapons and ammunition.

Overall, learning military history helps us understand the past and how it affects the present. It's like looking back in time to see how people lived and fought, and it helps us appreciate what soldiers have done to protect our freedom and keep us safe.