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Military history of the United Kingdom during World War II

The United Kingdom was a major participant in World War II. It was part of what was called the Allied Powers which included countries like the United States and Russia. During the war, the United Kingdom fought against two main enemies: Germany and the Empire of Japan.

The United Kingdom helped lead the Allied Powers as a leading member. They sent troops to fight in many battles around the world in places like Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Pacific. They also provided resources such as weapons, supplies, and ships. They also provided a base for Allied air operations in Britain.

The United Kingdom was involved in many of the most important battles of the war. They participated in the Battle of the Atlantic which was the longest battle of the war and the Battle of El-Alamein in Africa which helped change the course of the war. They also took part in the Battle of Britain which kept the Germans from invading Britain.

At the end of the war, the United Kingdom was proud to have played a major role in defeating the Axis Powers and helping to bring peace back to the world.