ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mimeo Revolution

Okay kiddo, imagine a long long time ago, people used to write letters and documents by hand. It was very tiring and took a long time. Then along came a machine called the Mimeo machine. The Mimeo machine could quickly copy letters and documents and make many copies at once.

This was great news for people who needed to make lots of copies, like schools and offices. They didn't have to write everything by hand anymore. The Mimeo machine was like magic, it would take a stencil, which was like a sheet of paper with little holes in it, and ink would go through those holes and make copies on separate sheets of paper.

The Mimeo machine was very popular and made lots of people happy because it made copying documents so much easier. This was called the Mimeo revolution because it changed the way people made copies of important papers.