ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, so you know how when you're sick, your body's superhero cells called antibodies come to the rescue and fight off the bad germs?

Well, sometimes doctors want to create medicine that can help your body fight off certain diseases, like cancer or viruses. They do this by making little things called "mimotopes."

Mimotopes are basically like little spies that try to copy or mimic certain bad germs. They're made in a lab and look like tiny little pieces of the bad germ. When doctors give them to your body, they trick your superhero cells into making even more antibodies that can fight off the real bad germs.

It's kind of like playing a game where you practice fighting the bad guys by first fighting against pretend enemies that are almost the same, but not quite as bad. So then when the real bad guys come along, you're already really good at fighting them off because you've had practice with similar enemies.

So that's what a mimotope is. It's like a little spy that helps your body get better at fighting the real bad guys!