ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Minaean Kingdom

Okay kiddo, so a long time ago in a place called Yemen, there was a kingdom called the Minanean Kingdom. It was named after the people who ruled it, the Minaeans.

The Minaeans were very smart and they knew how to make things out of stone and metal. They also knew how to write and keep records of important information. This made them very powerful and rich because they could trade their goods with other countries.

The kingdom was in a place where there were lots of spices, which are things that make food taste yummy. Spice trade was a big deal back then, and the Minaeans were in charge of it. They even had a special port called the port of Qana where they would ship out all their spices.

The kingdom had a big, fancy temple called the Temple of the Moon, which was their most important religious site. They believed that the moon was a very important symbol of their culture and they would worship it at the temple.

The Minaean kingdom eventually declined and disappeared, but we still have some of their artifacts and records today, which is pretty cool.