ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mind projection fallacy

Imagine that you are playing hide-and-seek with your friends. You close your eyes and count from 1 to 10 while your friends hide. When you open your eyes, you try to guess where they are hiding. Sometimes, you might think you know where they are based on what you would do if you were hiding. But just because you would hide behind a tree, for example, doesn’t mean your friends did as well. This is kind of like the mind projection fallacy.

The mind projection fallacy is when we assume that other people think and act the same way that we do. It’s like saying “if I were in their shoes, I would do this, so they must be doing the same thing.” But people are different and have different experiences and ways of thinking. Just because something makes sense to us doesn’t mean it makes sense to someone else.

For example, let’s say you are really good at math and you always quickly understand new concepts. You might think that everyone should be able to understand math that easily. But some people struggle with math and might need more time or different teaching methods to learn.

The mind projection fallacy can lead to misunderstandings and hurt feelings. It’s important to remember that just because we think and act a certain way does not mean that everyone else does too. We should always try to listen and understand other people’s perspectives instead of assuming we know what they are thinking or feeling.
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