ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mind the gap

Mind the gap is a warning phrase that you might hear when you ride the train or subway. It's important to listen to this warning because it's meant to keep you safe.

When you get on or off the train, there might be a space between the train and the platform. This is called a gap. Sometimes the gap can be very big, like a canyon, and if you're not careful you could fall in it and get hurt.

So, when you hear "mind the gap," it means you need to pay attention to where you're stepping so you don't accidentally fall in the gap. It's kind of like when you're playing a game and someone says "watch out for the lava!" You don't want to touch the lava because it's hot, right? Well, you don't want to fall in the gap because it's dangerous.

So, always make sure to listen to the "mind the gap" warning and step carefully so you can stay safe while riding the train.