ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Platform gap

Dear little one,

Have you ever seen a platform, like a stage, where people stand on to talk or sing or dance? Well, in the big world of technology, platforms are places where different kinds of software and applications can be used or run.

Now, imagine if some new cool apps can't be used on one platform because it only works on another one. This is what is called a platform gap, which simply means there is a difference or a gap between the different platforms. It's like having a toy that only fits in one specific box and not in any other.

This can be a problem because it means that people who would like to use that new cool app can't because it only works on a different platform. It's like someone who wants to play with a toy airplane but can't because it's too big to fit in their toy box.

People who make software or apps try to make sure they work on as many different platforms as possible so that everyone can use them. But sometimes, it's just not possible and that means there is a platform gap.

I hope that helps you understand what a platform gap is. Now, let's go play with some toys!