ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think

Sometimes we eat without even thinking about it. This is called "mindless eating." When we're not paying attention, we end up eating more than we really need to.

It's like when you're playing with your toys and you keep playing even when you're not really interested anymore. You just keep playing and playing until it's time to go to bed. The same thing can happen with food. We just keep eating even when we're not really hungry anymore.

There are lots of things that can cause mindless eating. Sometimes we eat while we're watching TV, playing video games, or doing something else that distracts us. When we're not paying attention, we can end up eating way more than we need to.

Other times, we eat because we're bored or stressed. When we're feeling bored, we might look for something to do, and eating can seem like a good option. And when we're stressed out, we might turn to food as a way to feel better.

So, the bottom line is: mindless eating happens when we're not paying attention to how much we're eating. To avoid overeating, it's important to pay attention to our hunger cues and eat only when we're truly hungry. It's also helpful to eat without any distractions and take time to enjoy our food.