ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Minneapolis–St. Paul Airport Trams

Okay kiddo, have you ever been to an airport before? The Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport is a really big airport with lots of different terminals where airplanes take off and land.

Now, sometimes when you're at the airport, you might need to get from one terminal to another to catch your flight. You could walk, but that would take a loooong time and you might get tired.

That's why they have these special trains called trams that run through the airport. They're kinda like the trains you see in cartoons, but smaller and they run on tracks.

The trams are usually located above ground, so you can see outside and watch the planes taking off and landing. They also have seats and handles to hold onto in case the train moves around.

Whenever you need to go to a different terminal, you can hop on the tram and ride it to your destination. It's a lot faster and more fun than walking!

So next time you're at the airport, keep an eye out for the trams and maybe you'll get to ride one!