ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Minto wheel

The Minto wheel is a special kind of machine that can make things move without using any kind of energy or power. It is named after the person who first designed it, a man called Minto.

Think of it like playing with a toy car or a bike that moves by itself without you having to push it or use any batteries. The Minto wheel is like the toy car or bike, but much bigger and fancier with lots of moving parts.

The interesting thing about the Minto wheel is that it uses gravity, which is the force that pulls everything down towards the ground, to make things move. When you put something heavy on one side of the wheel, it will pull that side down towards the ground. This will make the wheel start turning and the heavy thing will move upwards towards the top of the wheel.

Once the heavy thing reaches the top of the wheel, it will start to move downwards towards the other side. The weight on this side will then be pulled down towards the ground and the wheel will keep turning. This will keep happening as long as the wheel is balanced and there is enough weight on each side.

The Minto wheel is interesting because it seems to create energy out of nothing, but in reality, it is just using the energy that is already there in the form of gravity. This is why the Minto wheel is often used as a demonstration of perpetual motion, which means something that moves forever without stopping.

Overall, the Minto wheel is a very cool invention that shows how simple machines can do amazing things without needing any kind of fancy technology or complicated equipment.
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