ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Miranda Fricker

Ok kiddo, let's take a look at what Miranda Fricker is all about.

Miranda Fricker is a philosopher who thinks a lot about fairness and how people treat each other. She noticed that sometimes people treat others unfairly without even realizing it, and that's not fair at all!

One thing she talks a lot about is something called "epistemic injustice." That's a big phrase, but what it means is when someone is treated unfairly based on what they know or what they can learn.

For example, if someone doesn't speak the same language as everyone else, they might be left out of important conversations or not given the same opportunities to learn and grow. That's not fair, right?

But sometimes, people don't even realize they are doing this. They might not mean to be unfair, but they still are. That's why it's important to think about how we treat others and make sure we are being fair to them.

So, Miranda Fricker helps us understand how to be fair to others and not treat them unfairly based on what they know or can learn. And that's a very important thing to think about!