ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mirror symmetry conjecture

Okay kiddo, imagine you have a drawing that you fold in half, and both sides are exactly the same. This is called "mirror symmetry" because it's like looking in a mirror and seeing your reflection. Now, some super smart math people think that this idea can help us understand shapes that are really complicated, like ones with lots of twists and turns.

The "mirror symmetry conjecture" is a big idea that says if we can find two shapes that are mirror images of each other, then they have something in common called "topology" - which means they have the same basic shape even if they look really different. Scientists use math to prove if this idea is true or not, but they haven't 100% proven it yet because it's really challenging. But if they do, it could help us learn more about things like black holes and particles that are too small to see - cool, huh?