ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Missile Defense Agency

Okay kiddo, so you know how when you play catch with your friends, sometimes you might miss the ball? And you feel bad because you were supposed to catch it? Well, imagine that the ball is actually a big, scary rock that could hurt lots of people if it hits something important, like a building or a city. That's where the Missile Defense Agency comes in.

The Missile Defense Agency is a group of people who work together to protect our country from those big, scary rocks. They use special tools and machines to track the rocks, and then they try to stop them before they can hurt anyone by shooting them with other things that can blow them up or knock them off course.

It's like playing a really advanced game of catch, except instead of playing with your friends and a ball, these people are protecting millions of people and using super-high-tech equipment to do it. The Missile Defense Agency is always working to make sure that we stay safe from any bad things that might try to hurt us from far away.