ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Missional Christianity

Missional Christianity is all about sharing God's love with others in practical ways. It means doing things like helping people who are in need, being kind and friendly to everyone, and telling people about Jesus.

Think of it like this: Imagine you have a really amazing toy that you love so much. You want to share it with your friends so they can enjoy it too. This is what missional Christians do with their faith - they want to share the love of God with other people so they can enjoy it too.

One way they do this is by helping those who are less fortunate. This might mean volunteer work, donating money or supplies, or simply being a good neighbor and offering to help someone who might need it. Missional Christians also try to be kind and loving to everyone they meet because they believe that's what Jesus would do.

Finally, they might tell people about Jesus and His teachings. They believe that this is the most important thing they can share with others because it gives them hope, joy, and a purpose for their lives. Just like you love sharing your favorite toy with your friends, missional Christians love sharing the love of God with others.