ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Moïse Lévy de Benzion

Moïse Lévy de Benzion was a person who lived a long time ago in history. He was born in the 1700s in a place called Livorno, which is in Italy. Moïse was a Jewish person and he was part of a special group of Jewish people called the Sephardic Jews.

Sephardic Jews were unique because they came from Spain and Portugal. These countries used to be ruled by Muslim people a long time ago and the Sephardic Jews were allowed to practice their religion freely. However, when the Muslim people left, the Christians took over and they didn't like the Jews. This made it difficult for the Sephardic Jews to live in Spain and Portugal, so many of them moved to other countries where they could be safe.

Moïse Lévy de Benzion moved to a place called Curacao, which is an island in the Caribbean. There were other Sephardic Jews there too, and they all formed a community. Moïse was very important in this community because he was a rabbi. A rabbi is like a teacher who teaches people about the Jewish religion.

Moïse wrote a book called "Tikkun leyl Shavu'ot." This book is all about a holiday called Shavuot. Shavuot is a special holiday that happens once a year in the Jewish religion. Moïse's book explains all about what people do during the holiday and how they celebrate.

Moïse Lévy de Benzion was a very smart person and he taught many people about the Jewish religion. He lived a long time ago, but his book is still important to people today who want to learn about Shavuot.